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Drain tile is ran through a steel culvert across the newly

laid pipe to maintain the tile grade and protect it from

sagging as the dirt around it settles. The screening bucket

makes backfilling a breeze by removing the rocks and

large chunks of dirt.

Brandenburg Drainage, Inc. currently has about 25

full-time employees.  This allows for several

projects to run simutaneously.


Brandenburg Drainage, Inc. does clearing 

for new construction and performs maintenance

clearing as needed. We are able to customize our

methods for each contractor as needed. Some

clients prefer to have the debris chipped and left

on the ROW and some choose to have it hauled off.



We are able to do both temporary and permanent

tile repair. Often, we work concurrently with pipeline

companies, repairing tile as they lay new pipe. 

Additionally, we install 250,000 feet of agricultural 

drain tile annually.